Community Research

Thank you for your interest in Turell Group’s ongoing community research. Your opinions and perspectives are important, and we look forward to learning from you.

Our community: Most of Turell Group’s research is community focused and related to Eugene-Springfield, Lane County, the Oregon Coast, and occasionally southern and central Oregon.

How it works: Every few months, we will send out a short survey to interested participants. Each survey will take only a few minutes to complete. Occasionally, we will have longer surveys, but none should take longer than 10 minutes. We also host occasional in-person or online focus groups. We will contact you about focus group opportunities as they arise.

You’ll make a difference: Turell Group is focused on making our corner of the world a better place. For every survey you complete, we will make a donation to a local nonprofit mentioned in the survey.

Turell Group

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See our community research results

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Have a question about a survey? Want to suggest a nonprofit you would like us to consider as a donation recipient? Have an idea for a question you want us to potentially include in an upcoming survey? Let us know here.

TG Community Research Results

Use and value of parks in Lane County
We asked our community about how frequently they go to parks in their area, what are the most important aspects of parks, and to what extent they value parks and are willing to fund them.

What draws people to parks
Nearly three-fourths (74%) of respondents indicated that natural elements, such as trees and greenery are important features in deciding which park to go to. This was followed by safety (69%) and cleanliness (67%).

When asked to rank the items that they selected for most important, safety was selected as the most important aspect for respondents, followed by “natural elements” and “proximity to my home.” Cleanliness also plays a clear role, being the second or third choice for many respondents.

While safety and cleanliness are very important for a park to be visited, the natural elements also have a tremendous importance. The proximity of a park to the home shows close access is important.

Importance of parks
In thinking about the importance of parks for their quality of life, 73% indicated parks are extremely (30%) or very (43%) important. Perhaps not surprisingly, the importance of parks is strongly correlated with how frequently people visit parks: people who are at parks more frequently are more likely to indicate that parks are extremely or very important. Similarly, the frequency at which people are at parks is reflected in their beliefs that parks should be funded to be safe, clean and well-maintained.

The strong correlation between frequency of visiting a park and the importance of a park, as well as sentiment for the importance of funding parks makes sense – people value what they use, and conversely, they use what they value. This may be applicable to other service areas managed by municipalities.


Local News Sources in Lane County
We asked our community what their ideal platform is for learning about local news, what the local news is doing well and what they’re missing, and how much respondents would be willing to pay for news content.

Ideal Local News Platform
Survey respondents were asked what their ideal local news platform is, and the top choice overall was social media at 45%, with 60% preferring Facebook and Twitter/X as their top source. Among website, TV, radio and print newspaper sources, the percentage of preference did not vary significantly, all between 31% and 36%. Newsletters/email alerts are an ideal news source for 26% of respondents.

Takeaway: Social media stands as the ideal local news platform above the more traditional news platforms: TV, radio, newsprint.

What Local News Platforms Are Doing Well, What’s Missing
Best covered subject by current platforms is city/local government news across all sources at 47%, with sports following at 37%, while education coverage is found lacking, at 13%. Overall, respondents want more “good stories” (41%) and more community involvement coverage (39%). What’s missing did not vary significantly among entertainment, hyperlocal, education and local/state economy stories, all between 28% and 30%.

When asked for comment feedback about how local news is covered or delivered, many of the 85 responses bemoaned the decline of print journalism in the local area, sharing that print journalism is still a preferred platform for in-depth stories and reporting on local government, etc.

Takeaway: Respondents want to learn more about their community and how they can be involved, and these stories are missing across news platforms.

What People Are Willing To Pay For Local News
Overall, 52% of respondents don’t want to pay for local news, with 71% of respondents from Eugene unwilling to pay. The overall percentage of people willing to pay $1 to $5 a month for local news is 17%. Those willing to pay more were the smallest percentages, 4% to 11%.

Takeaway: The majority of respondents want local news to be free, that is, paid by advertising, with a smaller number of people willing to pay a small/reasonable amount per month for local news.

This survey was conducted in April and May, 2024, and received 200 completed surveys. Responses were solicited from people who indicated an interest in participating in Turell Group’s community research and from people who were encouraged to take the survey by chambers of commerce within Lane County with an incentive of a $1 donation per survey completed given to area chambers.


Safe Driving Practices in Lane County
We asked our community about dangers that drivers encounter and what strategies for being safe are being taken.

Dangers of Driving
Drivers were asked about driving situations that create dangerous situations for people in and outside of vehicles to measure how much the community perceives the danger. Realizing that the questionnaire may be the only way participants would be able to learn, we supplied the correct answer after each response was submitted.

  • Rural roads are the deadliest roads, due to the combination of speed and distance to medical care. Answered correctly by 48% of participants.
  • Intersections of minor roads, followed by intersections of major roads are deadliest for pedestrians. Answered correctly by 25% of participants.
  • Speed, unfocused driving, impaired driving, and distance to medical care are all factors in affecting the survivability of a collision. All responses selected by 40% of participants.
  • Any amount of cannabis impairs driving. Answered correctly by 79% of participants.
  • All of the following affect the ability to drive safely – feelings, texting, speeding, road conditions, and alcohol, cannabis, and some prescription medications individually and in combination. Answered correctly by 87% of participants.

Takeaway: We will readminister this survey in two years to measure changes in people’s responses. Knowing some but not all will have taken this survey in 2024, we will understand if the general community is more- or less-aware of driving dangers.

Making a Plan
We were interested in how many drivers make a plan for a safe way home every time they consume alcohol or cannabis. Suggestions for making a plan included ride share like Uber/Lyft, having a designated sober driver, having a friend on call to pick up, or spending the night at the location. Of those who self-identified that they do consume an intoxicant, 66% make a plan every time, while 31% only make a plan when they intend to consume to the point their blood alcohol level would exceed the legal limit. Interestingly, those who have driven 10 years or longer were less likely to make a plan every time than newer drivers.

Takeaway: Although most vehicle fatalities are caused by younger drivers, older drivers can do better at designating a sober driver or not taking a vehicle to a party or event so they won’t drive home after consuming an intoxicant.

Educating Drivers
Participants were asked how they learn safe driving strategies or about new driving laws; 66% of respondents indicated they would learn through news outlets. Older adults were more likely to select news outlets, while newer drivers were more likely to indicate they learn from friends or family.

How do you learn about safe driving strategies or new driving laws? (Select all that apply.)

  • News 66%
  • Roadside signs 54%
  • Friends and family 49%
  • Social media 30%
  • Advertisements 20%

When asked for suggestions for strategies, innovations or road designs for helping people drive more safely, 51 people commented about making drivers education mandatory for new Oregon drivers, and testing drivers at renewal points to ensure drivers are aware of new driving laws.

Takeaway: Educating new and current drivers on safety strategies, new laws and driving dangers will benefit everyone in the community and is possible.

This survey was conducted February 11 to March 18, 2024, and received 924 completed surveys. Responses were solicited from people who indicated an interest in participating in Turell Group’s Community Research, and people who were encouraged to take the survey by Lane Council of Governments and a class at the University of Oregon, with an incentive of a $1 donation given to Free Bikes 4 Kids Eugene-Springfield per survey completed.


Travel and Events Close to Home
We asked our Lane County community about activities, adventure, and travel here in Lane County. This is what we learned.

What to Do and Where to Find Ideas
Most people get ideas or information about activities, adventure, and travel from friends or colleagues (80%), by conducting an online search for information (71%), and on social media (70%).

The three top resources participants recommended to find venues, events, calendars, things to do or places to stay in Lane County are Eugene Weekly, social media sites like Facebook, and Travel Lane County’s Eugene Cascades and Coast website.

The most recommended annual event or festival for locals or visitors to attend is the Oregon Country Fair, and the most recommended favorite activities are:

  • Experiencing Lane County’s many outdoor scenic spots and adventures, including the Oregon coast, waterfalls, Spencer Butte, hiking, fishing, and camping.
  • Exploring the Oregon coast.
  • Exploring community holiday and farmers’ markets.
  • Checking out live music, theater, and shows.
  • Sampling the food, wine, and brews of local restaurants, vineyards, and breweries.

While finding and sharing information has shifted online, encouraging people to share what they love by talking about it or posting on their social media can also be an effective strategy.

Promoting activities in local print outlets is still effective, as is sharing information about upcoming events with Travel Lane County. Sign up for Travel Lane County’s weekly email, with information on what’s happening in Lane County, on Travel Lane County’s website at

Where to Go and Stay
Top destinations of locals for a getaway or staycation are Florence, Eugene, and the McKenzie River area. Most locals stay in a hotel or motel room when traveling within Lane County (64%), with a smaller amount using short-term vacation rentals (47%), or tent or RV camping (42%).

For a get-away or a staycation in Lane County, locals recommend staying in Florence or the Oregon coast, with Driftwood Shores being a favorite place to stay. In addition, locals recommend staying in Eugene and named Inn at the 5th, Graduate Eugene, and The Gordon Hotel as great places to stay.

People who live in the area would most like to learn more about eastern Lane County, including Oakridge, the McKenzie River area, and the mountains and forests of the western Cascades. They are also interested in learning more about southern Lane County, including Creswell, Cottage Grove, and the Lorane Valley.

Hotels and motels are still the main provider of accommodations and are an important industry in our community.

This survey was conducted in November 2023, with 140 respondents. Responses were solicited from people who have opted-in to Turell Group’s community research (37%), and who are from Lane Arts Council (40%), Travel Lane County (11%), and Turell Group (10%).


Attending and Participating in Competitions
We asked our community if they attend or participate in competitions, tournaments or events (“competitions”) for youth or adults. These could range from youth sports like soccer or martial arts, to a band festival, to participating in or attending an adult basketball competition, track meet, or even a 5k or marathon.

For those who do attend or participate in competitions, they are:

  • Supporting or transporting youth (74%)
  • Attending adult competitions (74%)
  • Participating in adult competitions (27%)

Takeaway: Seating and parking for spectators is important for designing competition venues.

Most respondents are fine with a limited amount of travel for competitions (66%), but they would prefer to stay locally (68%).

While nearly all respondents participate in or attend competitions in the fall (92%) and spring (92%), a substantial percentage participate or attend in winter (78%) and summer (72%). Frequency of participation is evenly distributed among participants, from a few times a month to about once a year.

Takeaway: This community’s need for sports venues is substantial year-round.

When people travel, they stay overnight when the circumstances require it.

Those who travel, go:

  • About 50 miles or less (53%)
  • 50 – 100 miles (45%)
  • 100 – 200 miles (56%)
  • 200 – 500 miles (16%)
  • Over 500 miles (6%)

When they travel, they typically spend:

  • $0 – $99 (13%)
  • $100 – $249 (34%)
  • $250 – $499 (35%)
  • $500 – $999 (12%)
  • $1,000+ (6%)

The top 3 factors that influence their decision to stay overnight or not are:

  • Length or timing of competition (71%)
  • Distance (71%)
  • Cost of lodging or accommodations (59%)

Interest in more indoor competition space
Interest in additional indoor competition space is strong; it is very high for those who support youth in sports that compete indoors and for which costs are substantial.

Most people have some level of interest in developing more indoor competition space in our area:

  • Extremely interested (33%)
  • Very interested (24%)
  • Somewhat interested (32%)
  • Not so interested (7%)
  • Not at all interested (5%)

The likelihood of being extremely interested in developing more indoor competition space is statistically significant for those who:

  • Participate in competitions a few times a month,
  • Typically travel 100 – 200 miles for competitions,
  • Support or transport youth to basketball, track and volleyball competitions,
  • Support or transport youth and typically spend between $250 and $499 per trip.

Takeaway: Those whose time and pocketbooks would most obviously benefit from more local indoor competition space are most likely to advocate for it, while those who don’t see a direct benefit from indoor competition space may increase their support through greater awareness of how the larger community will benefit.

This survey was conducted June 2023, with 782 respondents. Responses were solicited from people who indicated an interest in participating in Turell Group’s Community Research, and people who were encouraged to take the survey by Travel Lane County and Kidsports, with an incentive of a $1 donation given to Kidsports per survey completed.


Attending Arts and Cultural Events
We asked our community if they attend arts and cultural events, why or why not, and how they hear about these events. This is what we learned.

Arts Attenders
For those who attend arts performances, they attend because they:

  • Enjoy the experience (93%)
  • Believe the arts are important (65%)
  • Want to support artists (56%)

Takeaway: Creating an enjoyable experience is of utmost importance.

Their challenges in attending are:

  • They are busy (47%)
  • Cost of tickets (41%)

Those who rarely or never attend arts performances or events:

  • Are busy (59%)
  • Don’t find out about arts or cultural events (41%)

Everyone Is Busy
Everyone feels busy, both those who frequently or infrequently attend arts events (47%), and those who rarely or never do (59%).

Takeaway: Make it easy to take in an arts or cultural event by making them more convenient and accessible including times of days and locations.

Attending the 10×10
Among attendees of Hult Center for the Performing Arts 10×10 performances are those who frequently attend arts events (24%) or infrequently attend arts events (5%).

Takeaway: For encouraging art exploration, target those who are already engaged.

Where do people hear about arts performances or events?

  • Frequent attendees: Friends or Family (76%), Emails from venue (71%)
  • Infrequent attendees: Friends or Family (78%), Emails from venue (69%)
  • Rarely attend: Friends or family (67%), News Outlets (37%), Emails from venue (33%)
  • Never attend: Friends or family (75%)


  • Incentivize people who attend arts to encourage friends and family to attend, including asking them to forward emails from the venue or artist.
  • When promoting arts events to those who don’t subscribe to emails, find them through news outlets and social media.

What is important in deciding whether to experience a new musician in a live venue?

  • Infrequent attendees: Time of performance (63%), Day of performance (61%), Cost of tickets (58%).
  • Rarely attend: Time of performance (52%), Day of performance (45%), Cost of tickets (45%)

Takeaway: The time and day of performance is critical. Venues may want to experiment and track attendance with different time and day of week combinations.

Cost of tickets
The cost of tickets is a challenge for:

  • People under 50 years old (52%)
  • Infrequent attenders (49%)
  • Never attenders (50%)


  • Frequent: 50+
  • Infrequent and rarely: 30 – 64

Survey was conducted in March 2023, with 127 respondents. Responses were solicited from people who indicated an interest in participating in community research (17%), people who were encouraged to take the survey by the nonprofit who was the recipient of a donation made for every survey collected (53%), and those encouraged by Turell Group (30%). This is not a representative sample of the community.

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